The Benefits of Aging

Aging brings with it a lot of benefits that are often overlooked. Life only gets richer as you get older, and those things should be celebrated. As you age, you gain wisdom and experience, are generally happier than younger generations, have more free time to pursue hobbies and interests, and more.

In this article, we are going to explore positive aspects of aging that should be embraced and celebrated.

1 – Wisdom and Experience

As you age, you accumulate wisdom, knowledge, and experiences that play into how you live your life. Everyone has heard the phrase, “older and wiser,” but did you know that there is science behind it? According to a study by scientists at MIT and Massachusetts General Hospital, researchers are discovering that “the ability to reason, learn, and recall information ebbs and flows over our lifespan.” There isn’t a sudden, steep decline at any specific age, rather a line with curves that plateau at different stages.

According to the study, scientists “gathered data from nearly 50,000 subjects who had been asked to perform a variety of tasks. Participants completed multiple-choice vocabulary tests, rapidly recalled numbers and symbols, and discerned facial emotions by looking only at the eyes.”

The results of the study were encouraging, finding that different skills peaked at different ages:

· The ability to recall a number that had been paired with a symbol peaked in the late teens and went downhill after that.

· The ability to evaluate other people’s emotions by just viewing their eyes was strongest in midlife, peaking around 40, and remaining stable for about 20 years.

· Vocabulary skills didn’t decline until well into the 60s, with that skill peaking later in life now than decades ago.

So, aging doesn’t necessarily determine your cognitive ability. All the wisdom and experience you’ve accumulated over the years might take longer to recall, but it’s still present.

2 – Contentment and Emotional Wellbeing

According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, older people are happier than younger adults.

In the study, referenced by, researchers collected and analyzed data from a sample of 1,546 people ages 21 to 99 in. San Diego. Subjects filled out a long survey asking about their physical, cognitive, and mental health. The study showed that “older people were physically more disabled and had more cognitive impairment than younger ones – the natural deterioration of aging – but in mental health, the advantage flipped. People in their 20s and 30s reported having the highest levels of depression, anxiety, and stress, plus the lowest levels of happiness, satisfaction and wellbeing.”

Of course, the study didn’t follow the progression of these people’s lives, just a snapshot, but it made a strong suggestion that mental health improved as people aged.

3 – More Free Time

Retirement can provide older adults with more free time to pursue hobbies, travel, and spend time with family. Not to mention, a lot of senior adults opt to live in senior living communities, which takes away the pressure of owning a home, dealing with yard work and other menial tasks, and can provide a richer and more fulfilling life.

4 – Stronger Relationships

As we age, we tend to place greater value on our relationships with family and friends. We may have more time to spend with loved ones and are better able to prioritize these relationships. Senior adults also tend to have more stable and committed relationships, which can provide a sense of security and support. Nurturing these relationships influences the aging process, as well, with a study showing that “relational closeness and social support are important for maintaining cognitive functioning and physical health in old age.”

Long story short, having good friends and strong relationships can improve your health.

5 – Sense of Accomplishment

There’s not a lot of life to look back on as a twentysomething, thirtysomething, or even fortysomething adult. But when you get into your 50s, 60s, 70s, and so on, you can look back on the life you have lived with a sense of pride. Whether it was raising a family, having a successful career, or making a positive impact on the community in some way, your accomplishments can provide you with a sense of purpose and satisfaction.

The Aspenwood Company Can Help You Live Life Well®.

At The Aspenwood Company, we know life gets richer and better as you age, and we believe that feeling should never end.

Our communities are the standard of luxurious living for mature adults. You will find our properties in the most sought-after locations, in the middle of culture and activity, where a vibrant lifestyle surrounds you. We’ve spent 25 years fine-tuning every detail of luxurious living so that our residents enjoy a new sense of freedom and fulfillment.


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