Summer Wellness Tips for Seniors 

As the temperatures rise, it is essential to prioritize your well-being and take precautions to make sure your summer is safe and enjoyable. Staying hydrated, protecting your skin, managing the heat, and nourishing your body is important for people of all ages, but especially for older adults. 

In this article, we will explore some wellness tips to keep in mind so you can enjoy your summer, beat the heat, and stay healthy in the process. 

1 – Stay Hydrated 

According to WebMD, seniors are at a greater risk for dehydration than other age groups. Dehydration can happen quickly and requires immediate medical attention. That’s why it is so important to drink plenty of water, especially during the warmer months. Here are a few tips for preventing dehydration: 

  • Avoid drinking soda or coffee when you’re thirsty. It can make the effects of dehydration worse. 

  • Set reminders to meet your water intake each day. 

  • Incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet. 

2 – Protect Your Skin 

It’s not hard to think about applying sunscreen when you’re at the beach or on vacation, but it can be easy to forget when you’re at home doing your regular day-to-day activities. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher every day, even if you don’t think you’re getting a lot of sun. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “less than half of older adults protect their skin from the sun when outside for an hour or more on a warm, sunny day.” You can still get skin cancer, even when you’re older, so it is important to take active steps to prevent sunburn and cancer risk.  


3 – Exercise Indoors if Possible 

According to the CDC, older adults do not adjust as well as young people to sudden changes in temperature and are more likely to have a chronic medical condition that changes normal body responses to heat. Because seniors are more vulnerable to heat-related illnesses, it is important to prioritize exercising in cooler environments, like gyms, indoor tracks, or exercising before the hottest parts of the day. Additionally, make sure you’re drinking plenty of water, even if you don’t feel very thirsty at the moment. Exercising causes you to lose fluids through sweat, which means you could get dehydrated without realizing it.  


4 – Maintain a Healthy Diet 

To stay healthy, safe, and nourished during the summer, it is important to eat nutrient-rich foods and limit your intake of sugary foods and beverages. 

Here are a few healthy foods for seniors that can make summer more enjoyable: 

  • Fruits 

  • Vegetables  

  • Whole grains  

  • Lean proteins 


5 – Stay Socially Connected 

Summer provides lots of opportunities for social activities, which can benefit your mental and physical health and help you stay connected with friends and loved ones. You can join walking groups, attend community events, and participate in outings with friends or family. By staying connected, you can boost your mood and improve your quality of life! 


The Aspenwood Company Can Help Seniors Live Life Well® 

As you age, it is important to make intentional decisions that will improve your health. Living in a senior living community can be a great way to live a connected life, engage in healthy activities you love, and meet people who can expand your horizons.  

At The Aspenwood Company, we know life gets richer and better as you age, and we believe that feeling should never end. 

Our communities are the standard of luxurious living for mature adults. You will find our properties in the most sought-after locations, in the middle of culture and activity, where a vibrant lifestyle surrounds you. We’ve spent 25 years fine-tuning every detail of luxurious living so that our residents enjoy a new sense of freedom and fulfillment. 

There’s luxury, and then there is Aspenwood luxury.  

 In order to become a member of an Aspenwood luxury community, mature adults will face some hard, but important decisions. Be assured that our team is trustworthy and compassionate, and ready to serve you. We are here to provide encouragement, support, and helpful information.  

You have the opportunity to pursue and experience freedom like never before. It’s time to experience the laughter, the energy, the activity, the friendly faces, and the caring people of The Aspenwood Company. It’s time to Live Life Well®. 


5 Benefits of Recreational Therapy for Seniors 


The Benefits of Aging