Mental Health Tips for Senior Adults 

Mental health is an essential aspect of well-being for people of all ages, but especially for senior adults. While older adults are generally happier than the younger generation (according to the Association for Psychological Science), staying intentional about maintaining your mental health is as important as staying in shape physically. 

May is Mental Health Month, which focuses on spreading the word about the importance of caring about mental health. In this article, we’re going to share our favorite tips for staying proactive with your mental health. 

Stay Connected 

As you age, social isolation is a significant risk factor for depression and other medical issues. Things like changes in social network, loss of a spouse, friend, or family member can have an impact on your mental health, and rightfully so. It is essential to stay connected with others, whether through community groups, clubs, or other social activities.  

According to the Mayo Clinic, “adults with strong social connections have a reduced risk of many significant health problems, including depression, high blood pressure and an unhealthy body mass index (BMI). In fact, studies have found that older adults who have meaningful relationships and social support are likely to live longer than their peers with fewer connections.”  

So, how can you stay connected? Here are some ideas: 

  • Consider volunteering in your community 

  • Join local clubs or take classes that interest you 

  • Be intentional about spending time with family and friends 

  • If you live alone, consider moving to a senior living community 


Stay Physically Active 

If possible, try to get active for at least 30 minutes a day. According to the National Library of Medicine, exercises like jogging, swimming, cycling, walking, dancing, and even gardening has proved to reduce anxiety and depression. And according to a study by Canadian doctors George Mammen, MSc, and Guy Faulkner, PhD, there is “promising evidence that any level of physical activity, including low levels, can prevent future depression.”  

Here are some popular exercises to add to your daily routine:  

  • Try to go on a walk daily 

  • Water aerobics can help with arthritis and joint pain 

  • Yoga  

  • Pilates to help with balance and core strength 


Eat a Healthy Diet 

Along with physical activity, eating a healthy diet can help support good mental health. Senior adults should aim for a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. In a study referenced by the American Psychological Association, dietary patterns may contribute to depression.  

Additionally, according to another study by Jacka, “67 depressed adults were randomly assigned to seven individual nutritional consulting sessions with a dietician or seven social support sessions over 12 weeks. The dietician helped participants adjust their diets, such as eating less junk food and more nutrient-rich foods such as produce, fish and legumes. While just 8 percent of the control group achieved remission, almost a third of the dietary intervention group did (BMC Medicine, Vol. 15, No. 23, 2017).”  

Here are some foods that can help improve your mental health:  

  • Fruits and vegetables  

  • Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon 

  • Dark green leafy vegetables  

  • Nuts, seeds, and legumes  


Get Plenty of Sleep 

Sleep is crucial for mental health. Older adults should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night. According to the Sleep Foundation, “the brain works to evaluate and remember thoughts and memories, and it appears that a lack of sleep is especially harmful to the consolidation of positive emotional content. This can influence mood and emotional reactivity and is tied to mental health disorders and their severity, including the risk of suicidal ideas or behaviors.”  

Make sure you’re going to bed at a set time and maintaining a steady sleep schedule. Here are some more tips from the Sleep Foundation on how to keep healthier sleep habits: 

  • Find ways to wind down, such as incorporating relaxation techniques before bedtime 

  • Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine in the evening 

  • Put electronics away an hour before bed 

  • Get regular exercise and natural light exposure during the daytime 


Be Intentional About Your Mental Health 

This month, and every month, make sure you’re taking the necessary steps to improve your mental health. Your mental health impacts every aspect of your life, so implementing activities like exercise, healthy eating habits, and staying social is crucial. 


The Aspenwood Company Can Help You Live Life Well®. 

At The Aspenwood Company, we know life gets richer and better as you age, and we believe that feeling should never end.  

Our communities are the standard of luxurious living for mature adults. You will find our properties in the most sought-after locations, in the middle of culture and activity, where a vibrant lifestyle surrounds you. We’ve spent 25 years fine-tuning every detail of luxurious living so that our residents enjoy a new sense of freedom and fulfillment. 

There’s luxury, and then there is Aspenwood luxury.  

In order to become a member of an Aspenwood luxury community, mature adults will face some hard, but important decisions. Be assured that our team is trustworthy and compassionate, and ready to serve you. We are here to provide encouragement, support, and helpful information.  

You have the opportunity to pursue and experience freedom like never before. It’s time to experience the laughter, the energy, the activity, the friendly faces, and the caring people of The Aspenwood Company. It’s time to Live Life Well® 


How Social Connection Can Make You Live Longer


How Technology Can Benefit Senior Adults