How Does Stress Affect the Elderly? 6 Tips for How Seniors Can Manage Stress 

Stress is a natural feeling for any human being, but as you get older, you can expect stress to show up in new and different ways. There will be new causes of stress and different health signals you will feel from stress. How you manage your stress is important. 

April is Stress Awareness Month. Sponsored by The Health Resource Network, Stress Awareness Month is a national, cooperative effort to inform people about the dangers of stress, successful coping strategies, and harmful misconceptions about stress that are prevalent in our society.  

In this article, we’re going to talk about some coping strategies that can be used for reducing and managing stress in a healthy way.  


1 – Don’t Ignore Symptoms of Stress  

According to, symptoms of stress may show up in older adults in a few different ways, including:  

  • Tension headaches 

  • Back pain 

  • Indigestions 

  • Heart palpitations 

  • Poor concentration 

  • Indecisiveness 

Ignoring these symptoms can lead to larger health issues. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to consult a healthcare professional.  


2 – Eat a Healthy Diet  

According to the Mayo Clinic, your diet can’t cure anxiety or stress in and of itself, but it can definitely help. Make sure to eat plenty of protein, complex carbohydrates, stay hydrated, limit alcohol consumption, limit or avoid caffeine, and pay attention to any food sensitivities you may have. 


3 – Exercise if Possible 

Exercising has a lot of health benefits, especially for senior adults. When it comes to stress, the Anxiety & Depression Association of America says that “regular participation in aerobic exercise has been shown to decrease overall levels of tension, elevate and stabilize mood, improve sleep, and improve self-esteem. Even five minutes of aerobic exercise can stimulate anti-anxiety effects.”  


4 – Take Up Hobbies to Reduce Stress 

According to Sage Neuroscience Center, a study done for the journal Art Therapy concluded that 75% of people who participated in 45 minutes of creating art had lower cortisol levels. Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is produced by your adrenal glands, which sit on your kidneys. Having the right cortisol balance is crucial for your health; too much or too little can be bad for your health.  

For seniors, taking up hobbies like music, art, and a puzzles can be a great way to relax. And you don’t have to be good at it!  


5 – Get a Pet 

According to American Humane, pet ownership for senior adults has several health benefits:  

  • Decreased blood pressure 

  • Increased opportunities for exercise and outdoor activities 

  • Better cognitive function 

  • More opportunities to socialize 

  • Lower cholesterol levels than non-owners, which can reduce the risk of heart disease 

Owning a pet can also help improve mental health, physical health, reduce the risk of cancer, and generally improve quality of life.  


6 – Pay Attention to Your Physical and Emotional Environment  

Where you live and spend the majority of your time can have a huge impact on your stress levels. In a study referenced by the Newport Institute, it was found that patients recovering from gallbladder surgery healed faster in a room with a view of trees as opposed to patients whose windows looked out to a brick wall. 

Make sure you’re living somewhere that provides a healthy environment. If you know it’s time for a healthy change, we’d love to chat with you. 


The Aspenwood Company Can Help You Live Life Like You Are Young 

At The Aspenwood Company, we know mature adults want to live their lives well. Life gets richer and better as you age, and we believe that feeling should never end.  

But it’s easy for adults to forget what freedom feels like. For doctors, artists, educators, and business owners, the things you’ve acquired on your life’s journey – your home and all the things you own – can become a weight that holds you in place. 

You can pursue and experience freedom like never before. It’s time to experience the laughter, the energy, the activity, the friendly faces, and the caring people of The Aspenwood Company. It’s time to Life Life Well. 

Ready to Live Life Well®?  

Request information here. 


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