Healthy Aging Tips for Senior Women 

As women age, it is increasingly important to pay attention to habits that have an impact on your health. This is even more important in your senior years. Healthy living looks different for everyone, but as a woman, it is important to keep in mind things like health screenings, mental health, and overall diet and healthy eating. 

At The Aspenwood Company, we know mature adults want to live like you are young. Life gets richer and better as you age, and we believe that feeling should never end. The best way to do that is to take care of yourself, mentally and physically. 

Keep reading to learn some healthy aging tips for senior women. 


1 – Get regular health screenings  

According to the National Council on Aging, one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Getting regular mammograms is the best way to catch it in the early stages and treat it successfully. Additionally, one of the most common types of cancer for American women is cervical cancer. It is recommended that women between the age of 21 and 65 get tested every three years. Cervical cancer may not have any signs or symptoms, so be sure you’re staying up to date on screenings.  


2 – Maintain a healthy diet and exercise  

As you age, your body does not need as many calories due to a slower metabolism and lower demand for energy. However, your body still needs certain nutrients to stay healthy. Make healthier food choices by eating fruits and vegetables, choosing lean protein sources, eating at least three ounces of whole grains a day, and staying hydrated.  


3 – Limit alcohol consumption 

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, older women may be at risk for alcohol problems because they are more likely to outlive a male spouse. This can cause loneliness and depression, which can trigger issues with alcohol.  

The Center for Substance Abuse Treatment recommends that people aged 65 and older should consume no more than one standard drink per day or seven standard drinks per week. 


4 – Stop smoking 

This health tip goes for people of all ages and gender, but according to the National Library of Medicine, women are at higher risk for coronary heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, bladder cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  

Quitting a habit like smoking isn’t easy. For tips and support, check out the National Cancer Institute. 


5 – Manage chronic conditions 

Aging increases the risk of chronic diseases like dementia, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, cancer, and more. Here are some tips from the CDC to help manage these illnesses and improve your health:  

  • Take advantage of preventative services like blood pressure checks, cancer screenings, and blood sugar testing. 

  • Maintain a healthy diet and exercise consistently (if possible) 

  • Protect your joints  

  • Talk to a doctor about a healthcare plan that works for you  


Wellness is a Big Part of Life at Aspenwood Company Communities.

At The Aspenwood Company, we know mature adults want to live like you are young. Life gets richer and better as you age, and we believe that feeling should never end. 

But it’s easy for adults to forget what freedom feels like. For doctors, artists, educators, and business owners, the things you’ve acquired on your life’s journey – your home and all the things you own – can become a weight that holds you in place. 

You can pursue and experience freedom like never before. It’s time to experience the laughter, the energy, the activity, the friendly faces, and the caring people of The Aspenwood Company. It’s time to live like you are young. 

Ready to start living like you’re young?  

Request information here. 


How to Prepare for the Transition to a Senior Living Community 


3 Nutrition Considerations for Mature Adults