The Importance of Emotional Wellness for Seniors

Seniors hear a lot about the benefits of keeping fit with exercise, making sure to stretch for flexibility, and maintaining a healthy diet. But there’s an equally important type of wellness deserving of attention – tending to your emotional wellness.

What exactly is emotional wellness for seniors, or people of any age?  In simple terms, it means possessing the ability to stay positive and to handle the stresses and difficulties that life doles out to all of us – often when we least expect them. But it’s more than just putting on a happy face. Emotional wellness comes from the inside. It’s about knowing how to calm your mind, live in the present and have healthier coping skills.

How Emotional Wellness Affects Your Overall Health

When you take steps to improve your emotional wellness and become more relaxed and present,  it can improve your outlook, help you be more resilient in the face of loss or illness, and may even add years to your life. According to, 77% of people experience stress that affects their physical health. Put another way, if you’re someone who can go from zero to 60 emotionally in just a few seconds, it’s time to take a good look at your emotional wellness.

From the pandemic to global unrest, today’s world is filled with news bound to keep anyone awake at night. Working on boosting your emotional wellness is a way to reduce stress, which can help strengthen both your immune system and your attitude in general. You owe it to your health to make emotional wellness part of your regular fitness routine.

Seven Ways to Strengthen Your Emotional Wellness

1. Practice positivity. While we’re all prone to good days and not-so-good ones, you’ll be more successful at riding the wave of ups and downs by working on “you” from the inside. It’s important to boost your self-esteem and feel good about yourself first. If you can do that, it’s much easier to look at the world with positivity and see the bright side of things.

2. Seek connection. It’s not necessary to be a social butterfly to feel connected. A couple of close friends and/or family members is enough to build an emotional support network. Also, remember that helping someone feels as good as being helped. Nothing boosts your emotional wellness better than this kind of interaction. Kaiser reports a proven connection between isolation and increased risk of dementia, depression, anxiety and other health concerns. 

3. Keep active. The simple act of taking a walk and getting some fresh air and sunshine is great medicine for boosting emotional wellness for seniors. For an extra kick, do this with a friend. Also consider trying a class such as yoga or tai chi, both regularly offered at senior living communities, such as those in the Aspenwood Company senior living family. You’ll be amazed at how learning something new can improve your self confidence and positive attitude.

4. Sleep well. Seniors typically need a sound  seven to nine hours of sleep each night to help them think clearly and feel a sense of emotional well-being. If you often go to bed stressed and can’t turn off negative thoughts, consider talking to a trusted family member or friend about what’s bothering you. Voicing your worries is a great way to get them out of your head. 

5. Be mindful. It may sound new age and “out there,” but mindfulness is really as simple as living in the moment or, as the saying goes, “taking time to stop and smell the roses.” If you’re focused on how it feels to watch a sunset, breathe in the spring air, play with your grandchildren, or listen to the birds in the park, you’ll have greater success keeping stressful thoughts off your mind.

6. Cope well. Dealing with loss alone is never good for your health. Of course there are times when you need to be by yourself, but it’s equally important for your emotional wellness as a senior to talk to caring friends or even join a grief support group. It’s healthy to ask for help and practice self-care in every way. Don’t rush your grief and don’t compound things by making dramatic life changes or big decisions. 

7. Set boundaries. An important coping skill to learn is saying “no.” If you allow yourself to be overwhelmed by always trying to please others by saying yes to tasks, invitations or things you’re not equipped for, your emotional wellness will suffer. Set priorities and boundaries, and don’t be afraid to respectfully decline what doesn’t feel right or good to you.


Live Your Best Life in an Aspenwood Company Community

Helping residents develop and maintain emotional wellness is a priority in every Aspenwood Company senior living community. Our Live Life Well® Signature Care program focuses on a variety of wellness activities that residents can enjoy in person or through the community’s closed circuit TV network. The Aspenwood Company has several beautiful communities to choose from in Texas, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas to help you live your best life. Contact us today to learn more and find the perfect fit for your retirement future.


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